The situation is that when we start
writing posts, we assign different
words as labels to our posts. As we had
mentioned in Technorati Tags in
Blogger Posts, such labels are tagged
by Technorati and other third party
sites and your posts appear in their
tag search results. It is therefore good
to assign the relevant keywords or
labels that can best describe your
posts. Over time, after publishing
several posts, you may realize that
some of the labels are not appropriate,
or you may simply want to streamline
the words to make them consistent.
Instead of editing each individual post,
you can click the Manage Posts link on
the Blogger Dashboard or go to
Posting -> Edit Posts. Click the label on
the left panel and you will see a list of
all the posts containing that label.
Against these posts are check-boxes.
Click all the posts that you want to
change. The dropdown menu titled
"Label Actions" allows you to insert
labels or create "New Label" for the
posts that you have ticked. Once
applied, the new labels will be added
to the posts.
The menu option also includes
"Remove Label". To change the
published post label to something else,
remove the existing label and add a
new label to the posts. Refresh the
blog to view the change in the Post
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